Planning Progress and Breadth

Planning with Starz


Following Discussion it was found that:

  • Cambridgeshire schools are at different levels regarding their use of Starz and 'Steps to Adoption'.
  • Within each school there are colleagues who are at different levels regarding use of Starz tools.
  • Use of Starz should be encouraged to enhance teaching and learning and should have a measurable impact.
  • Opportunities should be planned as they tend to work better
  • Use of Starz should be progressive - like all ICT if children do the same things all of the time they will get bored and not see the value
  • Children should be given a breadth of opportunities.  By the time they leave school they should have had the opportunity to experiences such as writing a blog, creating and contributing to a forum etc.

The ICT Curriculum and Starz

 It was generally agreed that:

  • The Communication strand on the Progression Materials was a good place to start as it gives an indication of coverage and depth of knowledge
  • E-safety should be taught alongside the use of Starz - If you only stood by the side of a swimming pool, you would not learn to swim!
  • The new Curriculum will be difficult to deliver effectively without a learning platform.


Tools available within Starz

Children need to have opportunities to develop their ICT capability and, as they do so, should be supported as they choose when it is appropriate to use tools within their work.

Starz should be seen as a resource to enhance learning just as we view other resources or tools at our disposal

It was generally felt that it was important to have listed somewhere the tools available because then opportunities were less likely to be missed.


Handouts from sessions: