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Learning Platforms Survey

Thank you to those who previously shared their thoughts and experiences, including:

Pupils who told us:

  • They enjoy keeping in touch with friends.
  • They particularly like being able to send pictures to others and contact pupils from other years. 
  • Many want to chat and collaborate with other schools.
  • They appreciate being able to access homework at home and using the blog to record what they had been doing during the day. 
  • They have lots of questions about how they can do more and are now asking and supporting one another in the County wide
    "How do I?" forum.
 Who took part? Where do they most use Starz? What do they most like to do in Starz?

Pupils from (Pie Chart:) Foundation and Key stage 1 = 5%, from Lower Keystage 3 = 29% and from Upper Keystage 2 = 66%

Starz usage (pie chart) at home = 79%, at school = 17%, at a friends house = 1%, other = 3%  Favourite things to do on Starz are; Email, Blog, Use of the Activities Area, Drawing and Homework

Staff who told us

  • It is important to have access to a learning platform that incorporates esafety tools.   
  • Access to telephone support, help files and videos are greatly valued.
  • Supporting children to communicate with others; safe, age appropriate searches, shared resources, class and partnership communities are important factors.
  • Email, Blogs, Discussion Forums and Tasks are top of the list for supporting learning.

Things that you asked for that are already possible:

  • Parent areas
  • Access on Apple mobile devices
  • An easier way to oversee childrens' activities

Other comments

"I only really discovered the potential of the platform at the annual conference"

"The more I use Starz, the more potential I see!" 

"Starz is great when you have a plan of how you want to use it and you let your class community naturally evolve".